October Updates 🍂

Hey there, fam! September’s been a blast for us, probably our best month yet! We’ve got a bunch of cool new features and tweaks to share with you. Thanks to all your awesome feedback, we’re on our way to making the go-to AI Website builder and no-code platform for small businesses. Let’s dive into what’s new!

:rocket: New Features

  1. Multi-Language AI Website Builder (Over 100+ Languages): Speak the world’s language! Choose from over 100 languages and let our system generate multilingual pages, making your website globally accessible and user-friendly. Read more…
  2. 1M+ Droppable Images with Unsplash: Explore over a million stunning images directly from Unsplash! Easily search and drag your chosen visuals right from the builder’s side menu to enhance your website. Read more…
  3. Easier Editing is Here! Popup Editors for Text & Images: Editing just got easier! Double-click on text or images to access a draggable popup editor filled with handy tools, streamlining your creative process. Read more…
  4. Customizable Page Names & URLs: Take control of your page identities! Customize page names and URLs on the fly from the top-left dropdown, making your site even more personalized and user-friendly. Read more…
  5. Instant Email Notifications for Form Submissions: Never miss a beat! Get real-time email alerts every time someone submits a form on your website. Stay connected and respond faster to your audience’s needs.

:wrench: Updates & Enhancements

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved the drag-n-drop issue with background images.
  • Connected dropdowns and checkbox elements in forms to the database.
  • Fixed the background and text color functionality in the inline text editor.
  • Addressed the element jumping issue on certain trackpads.
  • Fixed an issue where users with editor privileges were redirected to dashboard when previewing a project.

New & Improved:

  • Refined component naming process for clarity.
  • Introduced a “Tips Box” on the dashboard for handy, random tips.
  • Unveiled a “What’s New” popup for returning users, keeping you in the loop with our latest features.
  • Enhanced tooltips for Layout, Style, & Typography settings, now linking to informative videos for each topic.
  • Introduced an all new UI for uploading images and how images are displayed in the Photos panel

:mag: What We’re Working On

  • Image Sliders: We’ve heard your requests! Soon, you’ll be able to showcase multiple images in a sleek slider format. Perfect for portfolios, product showcases, and more.
  • Publish to WordPress: We understand the vast WordPress community and its importance. This feature will allow seamless integration and publishing to WordPress, bridging the gap between no-code design and the world’s most popular CMS.
  • Webcopy - AI generated content: Enhance user experience and boost your SEO! Our upcoming feature will generate content tailored to your website’s theme and audience, ensuring both engagement and search engine visibility.
  • Updated UI for adding Links: We’re revamping the link-adding process to be more intuitive, ensuring that connecting your content is as smooth as the designs you create.
  • Regeneration History for AI pages: Ever wanted to revisit a past design iteration? Soon, you can! Toggle between different AI-generated versions and pick the one that resonates best.
  • ChatGPT style interactive AI: Imagine interacting with your canvas in a conversational manner! This feature will bring a more intuitive and interactive design experience, making website building even more engaging.
  • New & Improved version history: Keeping track of your changes is about to get a whole lot easier. Dive into a detailed history, compare versions, and restore with confidence.
  • Variable Colors: Consistency is key! Our upcoming variable colors feature lets you adjust and harmonize all the colors used in your project from a single spot. This ensures a cohesive and consistent color palette throughout your design.
  • Variable Fonts: Elevate your typography game! With our variable fonts feature, you can set and adjust the font-family used across your entire project from one central location. This means more consistent, harmonized typography that complements your design.

:hammer_and_wrench: Customer Support Updates

  • Tickets Resolved in September: 393 tickets

  • Average Response Time: 7m 55s

  • Top 3 Most Asked Questions:

    1. Do you guys support code export? Absolutely! Dive into this short video to see how our code export works in action. Just a heads-up: this feature is exclusive to our Growth plan and lifetime deals.

    2. How do I kick off my first project? It’s simple! Jump into our AI website builder and pop in a prompt. Alternatively, you can explore our template library for some inspiration and a quick start.

    3. How do lifetime deal plans differ from recurring plans? Our lifetime deal plans are a one-time purchase, letting you use indefinitely without monthly fees. However, they come with certain limits, like visitor counts and monthly form submissions. On the other hand, our monthly and yearly plans are recurring, offering a flexible way to experience all that has to offer.

:bulb: Insights & Tips

  • Tip #1: Dive into CodeDesign Academy: Want to master Our CodeDesign Academy on YouTube is your go-to resource. With over 50 tutorials, you’ll be up and running in no time!
  • Tip #2: Harness the Power of Linked Components: Ever wished for a magic button that updates a component everywhere with a single edit? Meet our Linked Component feature. It’s the ultimate time-saver, ensuring consistency across your site.
  • Tip #3: Swift Design with Shortcuts: Speed up your design process! Use shortcuts to copy, paste, and duplicate elements - not just within a page, but across different pages and even projects. Learn how in this quick video.

:mega: Announcements

  • New & Simplified Pricing: We’ve revamped our pricing structure to make things clearer and more accessible for you! From our streamlined lifetime deals to the introduction of a new yearly pricing option, there’s something for everyone. Dive into the details on our newly launched pricing page.
  • Stay tuned for more exciting updates and news from the team!

Feedback & Community

Your thoughts and ideas are what drives our team. If you have any suggestions, questions, or just want to chat about how you’re using, drop a comment below or reach out to our support team. And if you’ve got a feature you’re itching for, head on over to our feature request page and let us know. Together, we’re shaping the next big thing in no-code website building. Let’s make some magic!

Thank you for being a part of our growing community. Here’s to an exciting October and beyond!

With love,
People of CodeDesign.


would love to join if you folks have any sort of affiliate program!

Hey Mark, We launched the affiliate program a few months back. Check out this CodeDesign affiliate page to apply and learn more about the program. Thanks for being part of the community! tc :slight_smile: